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高専から駅弁大学から東工大を経て大企業へ 浅く広い趣味とかキャリアの日記を

Air pollution issue in Indonesia


I atended the English intensive lecture. It is the global course program and the group work. I show here a part of my section. Other person are responsible for current status and materials detail etc.




I'll talk about 2nd section “Indonesian government measures” by 4 small sections.
First is the background, second is the transportation, next is the electric power generation, finally is policies of governments.

First, I explain the background. This graph is CO2 composition by the energy commission and the green economy.
In capital cities such as Jakarta, the transportation is the most cause of air pollution.
Next is the transportation section. This graph is based on the statistics ministry in Indonesia by environment ministry in japan. It is show the number of vehicles by year. Recently, motorcycle is large increase. Because income level increased and motorcycles became popular.
So government introduces multiple public transportation. It is positive by Indonesia and Japan, and Japan cooperate several projects. We can see some these articles.
Finally, I'll explain electric power generation. First, fired power plants are spreading since now near Jakarta. Next, this graph is shown composition of power generation. Thermal power generation is very large, especially coal is the most. This material is more emission CO2 than others. Moreover, these prospect is the waste. Coal fired power is going to increase. Because this material is core industry in Indonesia.

Finally, I'll talk about policies. Time is limited, so I details omitted. First is by the above organization. They make 4 policies. 1st is monitoring, 2nd is improving fuel, 3rd is alternative transportation such as introduce the railway and sharing, and last 4th is others.
Next is KLHK by state government such as state budget. Here is raised big problems such as forest and climate. Special mention is not made of air pollution.
Finally, this is by local government department. 1st and 2nd row mean the documents. I think 3rd and 4th row is relate the air pollution issue. I think it is better.

Plese continue ***(next speaker).

individual section

I'll explain my opinion. First, my major is the civil engineering. So I suggest by this perspective.
Government is enhancing modal shift from individual transportation to public one. However, it is not fundamentally solution. It should control and reduce the trips in a downtown.
So it is more important to make the urban planning that define how to use the area. Because it need long time and it is important for sustainability. Then government should proceed with developing.